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FreeSignerSigning SiSX Apps

0. Download SiSx Signer

1. First go to setting.

2. In its setting it will show following options:
a. Self sign cert
b. Self sign key
c. Self sign key pass
d. Sign cert
e. Sign key
f. Sign key pass
g. Output Directory
h. Save last adding path.
In this setting change only two options.
d. Sign cert
e. Sign key
Now select your cert and key by browsing in memory card through the (d) and (e) options.

3. Now you will see add task option.

4. Now browse to memory card to add an unsigned .sisx file.

5. Now add .sisx file through options.

6. There will be 3 options shown onscreen while adding the .sisx file.
Select Remove Sign Option.

7. Now select go option.
Now .sisx file will be change into .sisfile.
Now just sign this file again with your cert and key through SignSis
OR Free Signer by selecting "sign sis" option after adding the .sis file from freesigner.

FreeSiSSignerSign SiS Apps

0. Download SiS Signer

1. First Install SignSis

2. Now paste your cert, key and the application file which you want to sign to "E:\".

3. Now open signsis and select application , cert and key by browsing memory card.

4. Now sign the application from theoption.
Now signed file is in "E:\" with the same name of unsigned file but extention .sisx.
Just install this file. It will be installed without any error.